Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Postings In Part the Second

     Morning all! Basher Bishop, Colonel Bill's driver and batman 'ere. Though I think I should change me bleedin' name to Bannister! Like that fellow that has just run the 4 miles in a minute or whatever 'e did, just recently. 
     "Why's that, Basher" I 'ears you ask. Well, it's all on account of them lot in RHQ  finkin' it's funny when a chap suffers from bunions and gets excused boots fer two weeks...or was it a fortnight? I can't remember. Anyway, seeing as I am now now wearing me plimsolls wif me battledress it's been "Oi, Roger Bannister go for this!" or "Go for that, Pte Bannister" Bleedin' cheek! They can all take a run an' bleedin' jump!

      Never thought I'd miss me old boots. Anyway, Colonel's just given me a meemo to deliver to the Doc, Captain Proctor RAMC, sending me on me way wif a not very funny remark about breaking the sound barrier or sumfink.

Depot Memo

From: Colonel Theo. Williams, Officer Commanding
To: Doctor Proctor – Depot Medical Centre

Please be aware of the arrival of 8 chaps from the Franco-Dutch Wars or Williamite Wars period. They are all described as casualties, although I suspect some may just be drunken malingerers!
I would be obliged if you could check them over and report back to me as to their fitness to serve.

They have the following identifications:
DBH035 4 x Late C17th dead-or dead drunk - £5.00
DBH036 4 x Late C17th wounded-£5.00 

DBH036 4 x Late C17th wounded-£5.00 

DBH035 4 x Late C17th dead-or dead drunk - £5.00

      Next I gotta pop into the Guardroom and give this notefrom the RSM, WO1 Hope, or as we know 'im "Abandon All 'Ope" coz if you ends up in front of 'im for sumfink naughty or against regulations then that's what you can do, abandon all 'ope. Anyways I got to give this note to Provost Sgt McTavish; 'e 'ates my guts, dunno why coz he's never seen 'em...ho ho ho! Anyway, seems there's some desperate characters knocking about..

       To; Provost Sergeant McTavish
      From: WO1 Hope, 
      Provo, there's been rumors going around the garrison about poachers. Some of the Brigadier's game has been pilfered; I want you to make sure you alert the guard to look out for two unlikely types, father and son, dressed in 17th century clobber carrying contraband rabbits!!

DBH032 C17th Poacher & his son £3.00

     And then it's over to see the depot don-jew-wan, Lieutenant Denham Scott, to arrange for accommodation for some bleedin' old nags

Depot Memo

From: Colonel Theo. Williams, Officer Commanding
To: Lt Denham Scott

     Lt Scott, you must liaise with those cavalry types down the road, the Fulchester County Yeomanry, for for a regular ration of fodder for some horses that are being taken onto the Depot strength. Make sure they are looked after, the nags, not the cavalry chaps, as Mrs Colonel will be looking in on them regularly, her being a bit of a horse fancier.
    I am entrusting you with this mission as I have heard on good authority in the mess that you like getting your oats so you are the obvious choice for this task.
 T. Williams, Colonel

DBH034 2 x Late C17th limber horses with civilian riders £7.00

     And that's it, apart from these two chaps what turned up to take some publicity photos for the Garrison newspaper or so they sez. Chums of some chap called Bruce Quarry, whoever 'e is

DBH033 2 x WW2 German Army Propaganda cameramen £3.50
     An that's it chaps, I had best push orf before they starts shouting on me fer to do more 'obbling about...Ow me bleedin' tootsies
pip pip,

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Boiling Mad Bishop Passes On A Message

      Alright lads, it's Basher 'ere. 'ow you doin' then? Good? Lucky you! I's been incapacip...incorp...inpacacita...