Friday, August 2, 2019

Boiling Mad Bishop Passes On A Message

     Alright lads, it's Basher 'ere. 'ow you doin' then? Good? Lucky you! I's been incapacip...incorp...inpacacitat...I'm on light duties; excused sitting down coz I got a boil on me b....coz I got a boil! H'anyway, the Old Man; the Colonel that is, 'e's orf to Scotland again for a wargames maneuvers....wassit called..oh yer, Claymore, up in Hedinburrah. One of the other drivers has driven 'im there as I'm excused because of my...h'ailment.
     So 'e's off wiv the advance party and I gotta travel up wif the main body along wiv the QM. The Old Man says I can travel in one of the 3 tonners standing up in the vertical position to, as 'e sez, ease my predicament. 'E seems to find it 'ighly amusing that I got a boil on my....where I got it...and that I 'ave been excused sitting. Sez I am now h'officially allowed ter lie down on the job now for a change; cheeky beggar. Any more of that and I'll drop 'is blinking suitcases and 'is over night kit will get smashed. 'E'll get 'ell of Mrs Colonel if 'e goes 'ome with his fings stinking of whisky.
    H'anyway, before 'e left, 'e told me to get this note pinned up on the notice board in RHQ for the attention of all them as is attending the manouvers in wasname..oh yeah, Hedinburrah.

Depot Memo

From: Colonel Theo. Williams, Officer Commanding

To: All Personnel
Kit Avaiabilty
All attendees of Claymore are to be made aware of the full availability of the new issued kits from the Depot Battalion as noted in the previous memo on this subject dated 16 July 2019.
Painted examples of these kits are attached to this memo.

Theo Williams, Col.
Officer Commanding 
Depot Battalion

Belt Fed Gaming's Steam Punk Ladies, Dora, Dotty and Edwine 
and female Gestapo Agent Hildegard

Depot Battalions ECW/TYW Scouts

Depot Battalion Late 17th century limber horses with riders

Depot Battalion 17th century poacher and his son

Depot Battalion late 17th Century wounded and dying

Depot Battalion WW2 German Propaganda cameramen

Depot Battalion late 17th century casualties 

    And that's it, chaps. Now I'm to apply some of this 'ere liniment and plaster to my bu....affected parts and then off to the chip shop in town fer me dinner. I ain't getting the mickey taken out of me again in the cookhouse coz I had to eat me grub standin' up, cheeky buggers,

toodle ooh!

Boiling Mad Bishop Passes On A Message

      Alright lads, it's Basher 'ere. 'ow you doin' then? Good? Lucky you! I's been incapacip...incorp...inpacacita...