Friday, December 21, 2018

Postings In

     "Morning chaps.....Basher Bishop 'ere.....oooh me bleedin' 'ead....I'm feelin' a bit poorly on account of 'aving a few too many pints of Scroggins Mild last night on account of us, the Depot Deadeyes, winning to the Richmond District Tiddly Winks Championship 'eld at the Black Cat pub.          The Old Man weren't too impressed, I can tell you, when I was late this morning wiv 'is tea and crumpets. Though I fink 'e wasn't annoyed on account of me being late.No, 'e  was annoyed on account of 'aving lost some money coz I knows 'e backed our opponents and deadliest rivals, them lot from the Old Codger pub in Little Throckelton. 'ow do I knows that, simple, I found his bookies slip in the pocket of 'is battle dress trousers yesterday when I was ironing 'em. E's blew a whole 10 bob on a flutter; the Old Lady will be fuming wiv 'im now. She's got a gala luncheon or sumfink to attend and is lookin' to get a new 'at and there's was 'im tellin her they couldn't adfford to get 'er a new 'at everytime she goes to lunch. A right old domestic ding dong it was.
      Anyway, when we got to the Depot this morning 'e sezs " Bishop, you blaggard, take your vile face out of the office and over to the QMs and give him these memos. I don't want to see you back here till 1600 hours, understand!"
      Blimey, talk about a sore loser. Anyway, I'm orf to Dirty Den's, the Depot Don Jew-wan, wiv these 'ere meemos then it's the NAAFI canteen for yours truly for a cuppa....cor I'm gasping for a cuppa....pip pip!  

Depot Memo

From: Colonel Theo. Williams, Officer Commanding
To: Doctor Proctor – Depot Medical Centre

Please be aware of the arrival of 8 chaps from the Thirty Years War or English Civil War period. They are all described as casualties, although I suspect some may just be drunken malingerers!
I would be obliged if you could check them over and report back to me as their fitness to serve.

They have the following identifications:
DBH027 C17th Dead – or Dead Drunks

DBH028 C17th Wounded

Memo ends

Depot Memo

From: Colonel Theo. Williams, Officer Commanding
To: Lt Denham Scott

It has been brought to my attention that we have some ‘good time girls’ at the Depot! Please keep them under control whilst they are here. I will hold you personally responsible for any ‘goings on’ between these strange ‘Belt Fed ladies’ and the other ranks.

As I understand it they are named as follows:

BFG51 Prudence State & Fanny Daly – Victorian Nannies

BFG52 Ruith, Alma and Leith – Celtic Druids

Memo ends



Tuesday, December 11, 2018

From The Colonel's Out Tray no2

Me...enjoying a puff on me church warden

....puff...pant....puff....lumme...puff...."the Old Man's wants this meemo delivered to....puff...gasp...Dirty Den pronto....must be some sort of flap on....pant...gasp....I had better run...toodle...gasp!...oooh!...lummee"

'ow Dirty Den sees 'iself. We can't show an actual photo of
'im as there's been several local ladies wot has conceived
recently in mysterious circumstances and we don't want
the Depot being besieged by irate Dads and 'usbands 

Depot Memo

From: Colonel Theo. Williams, Officer Commanding
To: Lt Denham Scott

Just been informed we have some Danish allies needing accommodation at the Depot temporarily. These are a Gripping Beast, mainly plastic, ‘Swordpoint’ Viking army, 104 figures, originally commanded by Sam Catterall. Lots of extras here, such as movement trays, plastic weapons replaced with metal, dice, shieldwall markers etc; and all this in addition to a fantastic paint job on them!

Intention is to promote them to ‘available online for £350’ next weekend, unless a new commanding officer steps forward with around £300 in his hand in the meantime. If you know of such a fine chap then ask him to message the Depot ASAP

Memo ends

From the Colonel's Out Tray no1

     "Hello mates, Basher 'ere. Jus' orf on an herrand for the Old Man. 'E wants me to pass on this 'ere meemo to the QM, Captain Scott. Dirty Den we calls 'im on account of his always wantin' 'is wicked way with the ladies; know wot I mean. Anyway, must go...toodle ooh!"

Depot Memo

From: Colonel Theo. Williams, Officer Commanding
To: Lt Denham Scott

Below are details of the latest ‘Ladies’ from Belt Fed Gaming. These being:

BFG49 Marie Baker – the ‘Pretty Pants’ Gangster

BFG50 Medusa- Ancient Greek Gorgon

It appears that the latter has some problem with her hair, so I suggest that you advise the chaps in the mess to keep clear of her.

It is in order for you to distribute both of them to all who require them via our online facility with immediate effect

Memo ends

Image result for carry on england
The Colonel and one of 'is chums, probably off for tiffin or sumfink...

Boiling Mad Bishop Passes On A Message

      Alright lads, it's Basher 'ere. 'ow you doin' then? Good? Lucky you! I's been incapacip...incorp...inpacacita...